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Beauty is a Necessity

HOSTED By Zama Nkosi-Mabuye




the quality or group of qualities in a person or thing that gives pleasure to the senses or the mind. 

That is how the dictionary defines beauty. I think beauty is a language all humans understand because it is nature’s way. A quick look around nature confirms that beauty is abundant. In the world of event hosting, beauty is a central ingredient in making an occasion memorable.

When it comes to hosting, it can be in the food, the table setting or the decor of the space. It can be found in how the music playlists affect the mood of the guests and how the perfect seating arrangement can spark connections that go on to flourish long past the after-glow of the event. It’s often seen in how the guests adorn themselves for occasions, each person communicating something with their clothes, their scent and how they carry themselves on that day 

Then there’s the type of beauty that can’t be accounted for by the diligence of great party planning; the beauty that is brought about by an energy beyond logistical prowess. Once you’ve made sure the details of your event are sorted and you’ve beautified where possible for the occasion, there is a level of surrender that has to occur. You’ve done all you can, now it’s left to the event to unfold. 

An amazing gathering, for me, is where the energy of the experience transcends the effort that was made to create a backdrop that is pleasing to the senses. That is when beauty really comes to life. When what it looks like and smells like and tastes like is congruous with what it feels like. When that energy isn’t there, even the most aesthetically beautiful events can fall flat. The best hosts know how to create room and intention for that energy to show up. 

There’s also something about the insistence of beauty especially when it is viewed as superfluous by those who don’t understand its necessity. When we go through trying times like the COVID-19 years, the insistence on seeing and indulging in beauty is a superpower. It’s a practice of reminding oneself that there is no place where beauty is not available. And should you ever encounter a space where there is no beauty, that is generally your cue to bring beauty and by extension, joy and warmth into that space. 

It is a sacred form of alchemy, the same alchemy that allows us to turn houses into homes and strangers into family. 

It’s when intentionality and nurture conjure up magic, that is the true power of beauty. And like Toni Morrison so aptly put it: 

“I think of beauty as an absolute necessity. I don’t think it’s a privilege or an indulgence, it’s not even a quest. I think it’s almost like knowledge, which is to say, it’s what we were born for.” 

Hosting Tip

“Making your gatherings beautiful and memorable doesn’t have to be complicated. 

Personalised place cards with affirmations or quotes is one way to bring some intention to the gathering, while also giving your guests something to take home with.

